An Introduction to the Art of Meditation

3 min readMar 18, 2022
Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

A key element in my system of principle-based living is the ability to seek and obtain balance within ourselves. This element represents the principle of Mindfulness, or what I call “Centering Your Being” within the MASTER system. There are many practices that we can use to find our center and, today, I’d like to introduce you to one of my favorites…meditation. Don’t worry, I will cover my favorites in future podcasts.

Meditation activities and their daily practice is not a new thing as it also belonged to our ancestors. People of old times were very well aware of meditation art and its advantages. Currently, individuals like to include meditation as an indispensable part of their lifestyle because it brings an immense reward in adopting a positive attitude. The process of meditation includes numerous postures and steps. Below is a list of the most common posture for practicing meditation. I prefer a seated position because, in my opinion, this allows me to both connect with the Holy Spirit and touch the earth simultaneously. I find that starting my day in this manner is a huge factor in the mindset I carry during the day.

1. Cross Legged Posture

2. Seated posture

3. Kneeling posture

4. Corpse posture

5. Hand gesture

Previously, we’d have to find the right studio and instructor to guide us through the practices until we became proficient in self-practice. However, technology has provided many cost effective ways of introducing techniques of meditation to people across the globe. A professional and thorough guide to meditation techniques is as close as the phone in our hands; and range from subscription-based to free courses. These resources can offer proper guidance to perform different meditation activities until you find one that suits your needs. Obtaining the correct orientation is the most important and vital aspect of getting maximum benefits from the experience.

Meditation is basically a simple process of conscious relaxation, which combines breathing and postures that allow the human brain to achieve a state of pleasure and tranquility. We can release negative energy. Numerous physical and mental health specialists revealed that patients dealing with stress, anxiety or pain can use meditation as an effective alternative to ingesting drugs for curative purposes.

During these current times of health, economic and social tensions, it is absolutely critical that we prepare ourselves to confront the challenges we expect to face just to live in peace and harmony…something we all strive to cultivate. In fact, part of why we struggle in our daily lives comes from the blockages within our nervous system that becomes activated when we allow ourselves to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, practicing meditation activities on a daily basis will help in the removal of these hindrances in your nervous system.

That’s all for now and I’ll continue to share more about the importance of Centering Your Being in upcoming blogs.

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Excited For Your Empowered Life,

Coach Frederick




Coach Frederick is a certified Life Coach and Habit Coach, who is passionate about helping others.