7 Common Obstacles to Your Goals

3 min readOct 13, 2021

As 2021 is coming to an end, it’s time to take a pause to evaluate your progress on the goals that you set at the beginning of the year. Having goals will help you achieve the life of your dreams. Some of life’s most satisfying experiences are those that involve staying focused on a goal until you achieve it. Yet you likely experienced times when, no matter how hard you tried, you were stymied by obstacles blocking the way.

Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. Being able to recognize your most common roadblocks will help you to 1) plan contingencies ahead of time; and 2) build those contingencies into your goalsetting and action plans. While reflecting on the progress of your efforts during 2021, here are some typical blocks to goal achievement that might have been a challenge for you:

1. Lack of creativity. You might have your own struggles determining how to best work toward attaining what you want. Perhaps you’ve run out of ideas to make it happen.

2. Negative thinking. We’ve all been plagued by negative thinking. You feel you’re just not going to be able to achieve your dreams. Negative thinking is a potent block, because once it begins, it tends to escalate and can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

3. Lagging confidence. Following closely on the heels of negative thinking, sagging confidence is the bane of goal achievement. You begin to seriously question your skills and abilities to complete the work required to reach your goal.

4. Focus follies. Who among us can claim we’ve never lost our way on the path toward our dream life? We want to reach that milestone but we keep getting thwarted by distractions. How can you work on an important project when your wife keeps asking you why you aren’t painting the house or spending time with the kids?

5. Refusing to put in effort. It goes without saying that every goal requires you to work and persevere to reach success.

6. Time traps. Making your way toward goals is challenging enough without having the irritation of not enough time to do it.

7. Vague aspirations. If you’re unsure about what you really want, it’s a challenge to continue steadily toward your goals. Vague aspirations equal unmet goals.

There will be obstacles to block the pathways toward your goals. But if you can name the sources of the blocks, you can develop solutions to navigate those obstacles and claim your success. Take the time right now to put in the work necessary bring your most common obstacles to the surface before you commit to any goals for 2022.

Which obstacle is your most common challenge? How do you deal with it?

Don’t know where to begin? Let’s connect [HERE] on a brief call and we can explore together!

Excited For Your Empowered Life,

Coach Frederick




Coach Frederick is a certified Life Coach and Habit Coach, who is passionate about helping others.